Pamela Smoljanić's favorite L'ADRIA product


Korana Marović

Najdraži L'ADRIA proizvod Pamele Smoljanić

We believe that the name of Pamela Smoljanić is still unknown to few people. She is the face behind the successful August_xvi Instagram profile. Pamela works in marketing at a well-known agency, and in her spare time publishes her fashion combinations, which has turned from a hobby into an additional job. Her refined taste and sense of style (as well as for everything beautiful in architecture, design and culture) certainly made her stand out in the sea of ​​domestic influencers, and the female part of the audience is extremely fond of her because of her cute and somewhat shy live broadcasts, in which she shares lines from his daily life or gives suggestions for shopping.

Pamela is also one of the first influencers to recognize the stellar quality of the L'ADRIA brand, which she has been using since the very beginning; "The L'ADRIA brand attracted me with the minimalistic and at the same time rather luxurious appearance of the packaging and bottles, and I was kept by the quality formula that really does what it says!", began Pamela.

Instant revitalizing serum

"My favorite product was, without a doubt, the Instant Revitalizing serum , which I always want to have in my bathroom cabinet because it has been part of my daily and evening routine since day one. But I emphasize that "was" - because I have a new favorite. My followers know that for years I was looking for an eye cream that would meet all my needs. I wanted a cream that was moisturizing at the same time, but also richer to the touch, and at the same time not greasy or gel-like, does not irritate the eyes and does not create milia, and is also a good foundation for make-up. Believe it or not, I found all that in L'ADRIA Eye cream , an eye cream that is now, and I believe forever, my favorite product for the eye area, and also my favorite L'ADRIA product," explained Pamela.

eye cream

Hydratation and Eye Care Week

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