
Have you recently found yourself in a situation where you study your face and notice more and more unusual spots? Unfortunately, when the summer tan disappears, usually hyperpigmentation appears, which can seriously damage self-confidence. The spots are exclusively brown in color, they are not red or have white heads - and they may or may not be part of your natural freckles. If you want to learn how to remove stains and how to prevent new ones from forming, keep reading!
Injuries to the skin such as bruises, burns, acne and other traumas inflicted on the skin cause a greater production of melanin, which leads to darker areas or spots on the skin, i.e. pigment spots or hyperpigmentation. Also, hyperpigmentation is more common the darker the skin is because it already contains a higher percentage of melanin.
Melasma - the cause of the appearance of melasma has not been established, but it is believed that it occurs due to hormonal changes and that it can develop as a side effect during pregnancy, the spots that appear are most often on the abdomen and face
Age spots, also called "liver" spots or "sun" spots - they are a common phenomenon that is directly related to excessive exposure to the sun, spots are most often on the areas that are exposed to the sun's rays, which are most often the hands and face
Gradual hyperpigmentation - occurs as a result of injury or inflammation of the skin, a common cause of this type of hyperpigmentation is acne
When we talk about the possible patterns of hyperpigmentation, the cause is mostly an overproduction of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its color and is produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Melanin production can be affected by several different factors such as medications, pregnancy, changes in hormones, etc.
Certain medications can cause hyperpigmentation, such as chemotherapy drugs. There are also certain diseases such as Addison's disease that cause hyperpigmentation in the most obvious areas of sun exposure, such as the face, neck and hands, and areas exposed to friction, such as the elbows and knees. Excessive sun exposure can also cause an increase in melanin and, at the end of the day, the cause of hyperpigmentation depends on the type of hyperpigmentation.
The most common causes are:
- Skin inflammation
- Patches of skin can darken after people have had some kind of skin inflammation. Under inflammation we can classify acne, eczema, lupus or skin injury.
Darker spots on the skin can occur when people experience hormonal changes. This type of hyperpigmentation is common during pregnancy.
Reactions to drug use
Certain medications, such as antimalarials and tricyclic antidepressants, can cause hyperpigmentation. In these cases, parts of the skin may turn gray.
Sun exposure
During exposure to the sun's rays, the body produces more melanin in order to protected the skin from long-term exposure to the sun . This can cause dark spots or patches on the skin called age spots or sun spots.
Medical conditions
More serious causes of hyperpigmentation include Addison's disease and hemochromatosis.
It is not always possible to prevent hyperpigmentation, however there are various ways of protection such as:
- Avoiding certain medications
- avoiding the sun at the time of day when it is strongest, which is usually from 10 am to 4 pm
- use of sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30
- wearing a hat or clothing that blocks sunlight
Hyperpigmentation is often harmless and may not require treatment at all. But for those who would rather remove blemishes, try these ingredients:
- arbutin
- azelaic acid
- kojic acid
- niacinamide
- peels with glycolic acid
- retinoids
- vitamin C
Before using skin lightening products, you should talk to your doctor, as untested creams can cause you adverse effects. Always buy products from trusted sources and follow the instructions on the packaging.
It is ideal to try products that use up to several of the listed products together in order to soften and eventually remove the resulting hyperpigmentation, and if you want to stop the appearance of new pigment spots, a product like serum for hyperpigmentation L'ADRIA Brightening perfecting serum.
The main star of this product is the sea urchin. It grows on sandy Adriatic beaches and blooms only at night in the summer months, releasing an intoxicating fragrance. Coincidentally, the extract of these beautiful flowers has been clinically proven to reduce pigmentation spots on the skin, acting at the beginning and end of the signaling cascade of melanin pigment synthesis, which gives the skin its dark color.
Given that hyperpigmentation is a demanding cosmetic problem that needs to be approached in all its seriousness in order to obtain a quick and effective effect, a complex of highly effective ingredients that work harmoniously and synergistically to reduce hyperpigmentation has been added to the essence of sea urchin. Together, they form the ADRILIGHTTM protected complex. This advanced complex is designed to act on multiple control points in the process of melanin formation in the skin: before melanin synthesis (prevention), during melanin synthesis, and even on post-synthesis processes, such as melanin transfer.
Also, an important part of the activity of the complex is the antioxidant effect, the prevention of pimples, and the fact that it slightly accelerates the turnover of dead skin cells, so that the complexion is evened out as quickly as possible and existing spots fade as quickly as possible.
Some cosmetic procedures can also lighten areas of the skin to reduce the appearance or appearance of hyperpigmentation, such as:
- chemical peels
- laser therapy
People who are considering undergoing one of these procedures should discuss the procedure and possible side effects with a skin care professional or dermatologist, as these procedures can worsen hyperpigmentation by damaging the outer layer of the skin.
It is possible to lighten areas of hyperpigmentation using certain natural remedies, however there are no large human studies to confirm the effectiveness of these remedies.
If you want to try a new treatment, natural remedy or skincare product, you should always test the product on a small area of skin first and stop using it if it irritates the skin.
Some of the ingredients that contribute to skin recovery
Aloe vera
Aloesin is a compound present in aloe vera and can lighten hyperpigmentation. Aloesin works by inhibiting the production of melanin in the skin.
People can apply aloe vera gel from the plant directly to the skin daily. However, no research has directly linked aloe vera to reduced areas of hyperpigmentation, so scientists do not yet know the effectiveness of this technique.
Licorice extracts are said to lighten hyperpigmentation. It can have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and skin whitening effect. You can find licorice as an ingredient in some face and body creams.
Green tea
Green tea extracts can help with spots caused by hyperpigmentation. Researchers have long studied green tea for its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but some research suggests that green tea extracts may improve melasma and reduce sunburn. However, more research is needed before scientists fully understand whether or not green tea can improve hyperpigmentation symptoms.
Hyperpigmentation is a complicated skin change that should be taken seriously. However, like any other skin problem - with patience and quality products, it can be solved.